Monday, November 23, 2009

Is it ok to get involved on other people's business?

No, I don't think its cool to get into other people business because I don't think its nice. Most people can get hurt just for being in other people business. I think that if everyone mind there own business the world would be a better and peaceful place.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Is is all about the money?

Yes in some kind of way i do believe that the world is based on money. I Think that some people are driven by money. For some people money might do bring happiness I don't think that money is everything just cause people have money that don't necessarily mean that there better than anyone else because nobody perfect and just cause you have money doesn't mean that you don't have stress or struggle.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Top Ten Most Painful

1.)Fugitive Slave Act 1793 was passed by the United States Congress on September 18, 1850, as part of the Compromise of 1850 between Southern slaveholding interests and Northern Free-Soilers.
2.) First Seminole War 1817-1818 It was painful because it was the first war against the Indians in regard of the Indian Removal Act.
3.Native Americans defeated in Battle of Tippecanoe in Indiana Territory 1811 In response to rising tensions with the tribes and threats of war, an American force of militia and regulars set out to launch a preemptive strike on the headquarters of the confederacy.
4.)Indian territory Founded 1834 It was painful to the Indians because their land was taken from them again and they had to relocate.
5. The war of 1812 was painful because it was between the U.S. and British. There were several immediate states for the U.S. dedication of war.
6.Cherokee Trail of Tears 1838 After the Indian Removal Act of 1830, By Spring of 1838 almost all tribes east of the Mississippi had been relocated farther west or destroyed in battle.
7. Indian Removal Act 1830 This was painful because it was great pressure put on American Indian Leaders to sign removal treaties and emigration of ten of thousands of American Indians to the West.
8. Mexican War-1845-1846 It was painful because it was very dangerous.
9. Alien and Sedition Act 1798 this act prohibited immigration of “aliens” into the U.S. to protect from enemy powers.
10. Missouri Compromise 1820 It was painful because slavery was enforced and still being effected.

verbal or physical

When I was in the six grade me and this girl name kimberly got into a fight in the bathroom. When i entered the six grade hall these girls came running to me telling me that this girl kim was talking about me and wanted to fight and for me to meet her in the restroom. Instead of me trying to avoid the fight i entered the restroom to get a better understanding of what was going on. After coming into the restroom kim slapped me in the face and after that we was like cats and dogs. when the teachers finally came to break the fight up kim was bleeding from her nose to her lips. we both got suspended for five days. After we came back to school me and kimberly made up and we are still friends till this day. The only lesson i learned from that was not to get the fighting in school wait till you get home.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Top 10 Most Exciting Topics

1.) Louisiana purchase 1803 The Louisiana Purchase was an exciting moment because when it was bought it help
2. )Federal Government offers land at $1.25 an acre 1820 This was second exciting one to me because people could buy land at a good price that they could afford.
3.)Lewis and Clark Expedition 1812 This was and exciting moment because they explored the land that was gained from the Louisiana Purchase which lead to Americans moving West.

4.) Mexico session 1848 The session was exciting for the United States because the United States gain a states like California, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona from the Mexicans.
5.) Eli Whitney invent cotton gin 1793 It was exciting because it made farming cotton so much easier and less expensive.
6.) Congress prohibits Importing of slaves 1808 This was exciting because no new African slaves could be brought to the U.S. as slaves, and it was the first actions taken to end slavery.
7.) Monroe Doctrine 1823 This was exciting because the Europeans would not be able to establish any new colonies in the Western Hemisphere.
8. )Missouri Compromise 1821 This was exciting because it prohibited slaves in certain parts of the U.S., and it helped keep the U.S. out of a Civil War for decades.
9. )California Gold Rush 1849 It was exciting because gold was discovered in the west which made some greedy people move to the west to farm it. It spurred westward migration.
10.) Volta invents electric battery 1800 This was important cause it gave the people a new and better way of electricity.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

What motivates immigrants to come to the United States (today)? Consider what they lose and what they can gain in your argument.

I think that there are many reasons why immigrants come here to the united states today. One reason could be that they may have some money issues or family crisises. Another could be that they may not agree wit some changes they may have with there government. Although there maybe other reasons why they may move i feel as if the things they may loose the most is some family and friends. Because they have move to another country there may be a lot of different thing and ways of living for most people. The thing I think people would be able to gain would be finding new friend and maybe a better way of living because it would be something new then what they are originally use to.

Thousands of Europeans chose to move to the British colonies. Some for economic reasons and some for freedoms. If you decided to immigrate somewhere, would you move for economic reasons or for freedom?

If I decided to immigrate somewhere I would have to say both. If i had economics problems and i felt like that if i immigrated somewhere else it would help me and my child to live better and be happy i would do it with no hessitasion. even though i would have to leave all my friends and family i also would have to think about my family first. If it came down to me having to make some changes in my living for freedom i would immigrate also. I feel like my life and freedom is worth a lot more than someone trying to take it from me so i would do anything there is to make sure i have the freedom i want and need.