2. )Federal Government offers land at $1.25 an acre 1820 This was second exciting one to me because people could buy land at a good price that they could afford.
3.)Lewis and Clark Expedition 1812 This was and exciting moment because they explored the land that was gained from the Louisiana Purchase which lead to Americans moving West.
4.) Mexico session 1848 The session was exciting for the United States because the United States gain a states like California, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona from the Mexicans.
5.) Eli Whitney invent cotton gin 1793 It was exciting because it made farming cotton so much easier and less expensive.
6.) Congress prohibits Importing of slaves 1808 This was exciting because no new African slaves could be brought to the U.S. as slaves, and it was the first actions taken to end slavery.
7.) Monroe Doctrine 1823 This was exciting because the Europeans would not be able to establish any new colonies in the Western Hemisphere.
8. )Missouri Compromise 1821 This was exciting because it prohibited slaves in certain parts of the U.S., and it helped keep the U.S. out of a Civil War for decades.
9. )California Gold Rush 1849 It was exciting because gold was discovered in the west which made some greedy people move to the west to farm it. It spurred westward migration.
10.) Volta invents electric battery 1800 This was important cause it gave the people a new and better way of electricity.